The Little Bear Wiki is a free online encyclopedia about Little Bear, a children's franchise following the adventures of a young bear cub and his friends. Our goal is to make this wiki the most complete, accurate, and accessible Little Bear encyclopedia ever. The Little Bear Wiki was founded on 8 November 2008. It now boasts 511 articles and 563 files.
This website is a wiki, that is, a website collaboratively written and edited by its users; the more users we have, the better. Anyone can join and start helping out—all you have to do is register a Fandom account. Once you have a Fandom account, simply click the "edit" button at the top of any page and start adding your knowledge.
All original text content on the Little Bear Wiki is freely licensed; it remains the property of the original contributor, but is can be redistributed and modified by anyone who wants to. For more legal information, see the Copyright Policy.
Here are some links that might help you find things to do:
- You can read up on the wiki's policies at Little Bear Wiki:Policy.
- If you want to discuss anything specific to an article, you can use the talk page for that article.
- For technical and policy questions about the wiki in general, you can use the Reference Desk.
- For idle conversation, use Discussions.
- You can learn about the current goings-on by checking the News Desk.
- If you want to help but you're not sure where to start, try improving stub articles.
- You could check the list of wanted pages for frequently linked-to articles that don't exist yet.
- Create links to some orphaned pages.
- Fix any double redirects by redirecting the first page to the third page.
- Check for broken redirects and either mark them for deletion or find a more appropriate target.
- Create some links on dead end pages.
- Read about the wiki's history at Little Bear Wiki:History.
- Help pages on Community Central are listed on Help:Index.
- If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Starfleet Command, this wiki's bureaucrat.
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